
Regular Sarel Rolling – your defence against drought

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Sarel Rolling has long been a favourite solution for preventing surface sealing on sports turf during hot dry periods. 

In summer, turf becomes sealed by a combination of dust and foot traffic. This results in irrigation or rainfall evaporating off without being absorbed into the root zone. And when you get some good rain, a sealed surface just results in a mass of puddles.

Hence the benefit of using a Sarel-Roller to spike the surface, followed immediately by a brush to sweep the dew down the holes into the root zone. Then when it rains, you will have an open surface that drains freely.  The elimination of puddles and standing water on the surface helps get your greens back in play quickly, enabling the grass to dry faster and reducing the risk of fusarium.

These spiked rollers will pepper the surface with thousands of tiny holes – large enough to aid absorption of air, water, and fertiliser, but small enough to avoid surface disturbance.  The added benefit is to reduce your expense on using wetting agents.

GreenTek produce three versions of Sarel-Roller to cover a wide spectrum of applications.  For golf greens, the Sarel-Roller cassettes to fit into the Thatch-Away Supa-System are immensely popular.  Mounted on a greens triplex mower, they are very fast and manoeuvrable to operate.

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Alternatively, there is also a three-point mounted Sarel-Roller to fit on compact tractors.  This has a working width of 1.5m and is popular for all types of sports turf.

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And for large areas such as golf fairways or multiple sports pitches, the 5.4m wide Multi-Sarel is the world’s widest sarel-roller.  This machine has three independently floating units, which retract hydraulically into the main frame for transport.

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Between them, these Sarel-Rollers enable all sportsturf to breathe and drain freely – essential for keeping your turf in good health!


Want to know more?

Click here to watch a video of the Sarel Roller in action.


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